Ferguson, MO, was a sundown town between 19. And of course, a town may have been sundown once, but now is not. Look over the information provided and come to your own conclusion. If, for example, if a black family tried to move in, encountered considerable hostility, and left, that would qualify the town as “sundown.” Note that some sundown towns kept out Chinese Americans, Jews, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, even Mormons.

“On purpose” does not require a formal ordinance. Also, institutionalized persons (in prisons, hospitals, colleges, etc.), live-in servants (in white households), and black or interracial children (in white households) do not violate the taboo. “All white” is in quotes because some towns allowed one black family to remain when they drove out the rest. It is an entire community (or even county) that for decades was “all white” on purpose. Moreover, some towns appear to be interracial but upon closer examination we learn that the black population is all male (probably a prison), or 2/3 female with almost no children (probably live-in servants), or was all at one address in the most recent “manuscript census” (probably an institution, such as a hospital or college).Ī sundown town is not just a place where something racist happened. There are too many sundown towns for us to have found them all. It is and will always be incomplete, so if a town that you think probably had a sundown past does not appear, please tell us about it. This map rests on a database entered by Loewen, Berrey, and students, the world’s only registry of sundown towns. Embarrassing Questions about “Standardized” Tests.Loewen’s Work on “Standardized” Testing Used by Others.Using Research Information to Help a Sundown Town Overcome Its Past.How to Research and Teach About Sundown Towns.Alphabetical Map of Sundown Towns by State.Using the Sundown Towns Database Menu Toggle.Civil Rights Movement to Modern Times: c.Teaching Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.Native American Issues, Including the Explorers.

On the Landscape, In Public History Menu Toggle.Useful Quotations about History and Social Justice.Works Inspired or Influenced by Lies My Teacher Told Me.Causing Change With Lies My Teacher Told Me.Contact Jim Loewen to Speak to Your Group.In College and Graduate School Menu Toggle.Teachers’ Corner: Teaching with Lies My Teacher Told Me.Resources for Teaching with Lies My Teacher Told Me.Alternatives to the Usual Fat Textbooks.Using Lies My Teacher Told Me and Teaching What Really Happened.